We and our Friends in Portugal live on the Planet Earth. We like this planet and care about it. There are many countries, many people and animals living here. This is the reason why we decided that the word "Earth" will be the word number 12 in our Interactive Ilustrated Dictionary.
My i nasi Przyjaciele w Portugalii mieszkamy na planecie Ziemia. Bardzo lubimy i dbamy o nią. Tam jest dużo krajów, mieszka dużo ludzi i zwierząt. To jest nasz wspólny dom, dlatego zdecydowaliśmy, że słowo "Ziemia" bedzie słowem numer 12 w Interaktywnym Ilustrowanym Słowniku.
Nós e os nossos Amigos em Portugal vivemos no Planeta Terra. Nós gostamos deste planeta e preocupamo-nos com ele. Existem muitos países, muitas pessoas e animais que vivem aqui. Esta é a razão pela qual decidimos que "Terra" será a palavra número 12 no nosso Dicionário Ilustrado Interactivo.
Ilustrated in Poland by Wiktoria ( 6 years old)
Rysunek wykonała Wiktoria w Polsce ( 6 lat)
Ilustrado na Polónia, pela Wiktoria (6 anos)
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