We are children, and we would like to know how to say the word "children" in Polish as well as in English.
That's why we, and our Friends, decided that "children" would be the word number 11 in our Interactive Ilustrated Dictionary.
Somos crianças e gostaríamos de saber como se diz "crianças" em Polaco e em Inglês.
Por isso nós e os nossos amigos decidimos que "crianças" seria a palavra número 11 no nosso Dicionário Ilustrado Interactivo.
Jesteśmy dziećmi i chcemy sie dowiedzieć jak mówi się słowo "dzieci" po polsku i po angielsku. Dlatego my i nasi przyjaciele zdecydowaliśmy, że słowo "dzieci" bedzie słowem numer 11 w naszym Interaktywnym Ilustrowanym Słowniku.
Ilustration made in Portugal by SARA (5 years old)
Ilustração feita em Portugal pela SARA (5 anos)
Rysunek wykonała SARA z Portugalii ( 5 lat)
PT | |
PL | |
EN |
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