"We discovered that the flower'seeds from Poland became nice plants with lila flowers.We saw a bee that came to the flowers. Perhaps she wants to make honney! I counted the flowers; there were 18. There are small and big ones, but all of them are beautiful!
Thanks friends from Poland. These seeds enjoyed to grow in our School, near a tree!"VALTER (5 years old)
"Descobrimos que as sementes de flores da Polónia se transformaram em plantas com flores lilás.Nós vimos uma abelha que veio para as flores; se calhar ela quer fazer mel! Eu contei as flores; eram 18. Há pequenas e grandes, mas todas são bonitas!
Obrigado amigos da Polónia. Estas sementes gostaram de nascer na nossa escola, perto de uma árvore!"VALTER (5 anos)
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