
European Anthem

European Anthem
(Hino Europeu) (Hymn Uniii Europejskiej)

European Flag

We are children living in Europe and we love our common European Flag!
(Somos crianças que vivemos na Europa e amamos a nossa Bandeira Europeia comum!)
(Jesteśmy dziećmi mieszkającymi w Europie i kochamy naszą wspólną Europejską Flagę)

Hello to everyone!

We welcome you
to this common blog
from both portuguese and polish children!

"Friends Together" seems to us a good blog's title!

Children who became friends, from Poland and Portugal
decided to work together,
to learn together, to share
and to enjoy life together!

The "eTwinning" project gave us a big help...

In this blog we would like to share with everybody
how good it is to have FRIENDS and somehow feel TOGETHER!

Please come along and join us in this adventure!