
Spring has come at last!

In the first days of Spring many flowers were showing their colours in Portugal first, because the weather is not so cold...! In Poland everything was covered by the snow!!! But slowly flowers were blooming also in Poland.
Julia (5 years old) draw this flower in the 59's Bydgoszcz Kindergarten; "flower" is the word number two in our Interactive Illustrated Dictionary.

W pierwszy dzień wiosny wiele kwiatów pokazuje kolory Portugalii wcześniej niz w Polsce, ponieważ tam nie jest zbyt zimno. W Polsce wszystko przykrywa śnieg! Ale również w Polsce kwiaty zaczynają powoli rozkwitać. Julia (5 lat) z Przedszkola Nr 59 w Bydgoszczy narysowała tego kwiata ; "kwiat" jest słowem numer dwa w naszym Interaktywnym Ilustrowanym Słowniku

Nos primeiros dias de Primavera muitas flores mostravam as suas cores primeiro em Portugal, porque o tempo não é tão frio...! Na Polónia tudo esteve coberto de neve!!! Mas a pouco e pouco as flores começaram a florir também na Polónia.
A Julia (com 5 anos) desenhou esta flor no Jardim de Infância nº 59 de Bydgoszcz; "flor" é a palavra número dois do nosso Dicionário Ilustrado Interactivo.

(Ilustração da JULIA -5 anos)


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