
Bird, the word number 5!

The mail is no longer delivered by carrier pigeons...
But we love the word"bird" and that is why it will be the word number 5 in our Ilustrated Interactive Dictionary.
Do you know how the word bird is said in Polish and in Portuguese languages?
It was WIKTORIA ( 5 years old) who draw this bird.
Bardzo lubimy słowo "ptak" i dlatego bedzie ono słowem numer 5 w naszym Ilustrowanym Interaktywnym Słowniku.
Czy wiesz jak mówią słowo ptak w polskim i portugalskim języku?
Wiktoria ( 5 lat) narysowała tego ptaka.
O correio já não é entregue por pombos correio...
Mas nós gostamos da palavra "pássaro" e é por isso que ela será a palavra número 5 do nosso Dicionário Ilustrado Interactivo.
Sabem como se diz pássaro em polaco e em português?
Foi a Wiktoria( de 5 anos) quem desenhou este pássaro.


Mail from Poland!

A big parcel from Poland came to us, at the Kindergarten!
Inside there was a CD-rom with the presentation of our friends (in the Power Point program); there was also a newspaper with a photo from them, several polish cookies made in Bydgoszcz, the map of Poland and the Bydgoszcz city;two spring works made by the children were also inside the parcel, as well as the symbol of the city of Bydgoszcz.

It is always good to get mail from Poland!

Duża paczka przyszła do naszego przedszkola z Polski!
W środku była prezentacja naszych przyjaciół na CD (w programie Power Point); była również gazeta ze zdjęciami stamtąd, ciastak wyprodukowane w Bydgoszczy, mapa Polski i Bydgoszczy, dwie wiosenne prace wykonane przez dzieci oraz symbole miasta Bydgoszcz.
Zawsze jest miło dostać pocztę z Polski!

Chegou-nos ao Jardim de Infância uma grande encomenda vinda da Polónia!
Dentro estava um CD rom com a apresentação dos nossos amigos(no programa Power Point);também estava um jornal com uma foto deles, várias bolachinhas polacas feitas em Bydgoszcz, o mapa da Polónia e da cidade de Bydgoszcz; dois trabalhos primaveris feitos pelas crianças também vinham dentro do pacote, assim como o símbolo da cidade de Bydgoszcz. É sempre bom receber correio da Polónia!


Word number four!

Do you know that a Cock ( the one from Barcelos in the north of the country) is also a Portuguese symbol?
We sent this one to our friends; and this is the word number 4 in our Interactive Dictionary.

Czy wiesz, że kogut ( jeden z Barcelos w północnej części kraju) jest również portugalskim symbolem?
Wysłaliśmy jednego do naszych przyjaciół; to jest słowo numer 4 w naszym Interaktywnym Słowniku.

Sabiam que um galo (aquele de Barcelos, no norte do país) é também um símbolo de Portugal?
Nós mandámos este para os nossos amigos; e esta é a palavra número 4 do nosso Dicionário Interactivo.

(Work made by several portuguese children together)

(Trabalho feito em conjunto por diversos alunos)


Three Chicken's song

In Portugal we learned and loved the Three chicken' song.
As we walk along in the village we like to sing it. Do you want to sing with us?

W Portugalii uczymy się i lubimy piosenkę "Kurki trzy"
Jak spacerujemy na wsi lubimy to śpiewać. Może chcesz zaśpiewać z nami?
Em Portugal aprendemos e gostámos da canção das três galinhas.
Quando andamos a passear na aldeia , gostamos de a cantar. Querem cantar connosco?

Easter chicken

At Easter, we made at school, litlle chickens with chocolate eggs to take home.
Then we decided to include this word in our Interactive Dictionary.
This chicken was made by several portuguese children in order to wish Happy Easter to our Polish Friends.
It's the word number 3 !
Na Wielkanoc, robiliśmy w szkole małe kurczaki z czekoladowymi jajkami, które zabraliśmy do domu.
Potem zdecydowaliśmy włączyć to słowo do naszego Interaktywnego Słownika.
Ten kurczak został zrobiony przez kilkoro portugalskich dzieci z życzeniami Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych dla naszych polskich przyjaciół.
To jest słowo numer 3!
Pela Páscoa fizemos galinhas na escola para levar para casa com muitos ovinhos de chocolate.
Depois decidimos incluir esta palavra no nosso Dicionário Interactivo.
Esta galinha foi feita por diversas crianças para desejar Páscoa Feliz aos nossos amigos polacos.
É a palavra número 3 !



Magic in the kitchen!

It was magic in the kitchen!
The simple eggs became wonderful Easter eggs, when we used the "belts" that our Polish friends sent to us. We hardly believed this was possible!...

To były czary w kuchni!
Każde jajko stało się piękna pisanką, kiedy użyliśmy "pasków", które wysłali nam nasi przyjaciele.
Prawie uwierzyliśmy, że to możliwe!...

Foi magia na cozinha!
Os simples ovos transformaram-se em maravilhosos ovos da Páscoa, quando usámos os "cintos" que os nossos amigos polacos nos enviaram. Nós mal podíamos acreditar que era possível!

Easter surprises!

After Easter holidays, we got an envelope with surprises from our Polish friends.
We all were happy with these surprises...
Thank you Friends!
Po świętach wielkanocnych dostaliśmy kopertę z niespodziankami od polskich przyjaciół.
Byliśmy bardzo szczęśliwi z tej niespodzianki...
Dziękujemy Wam przyjaciele!
Recebemos depois das férias da Páscoa um envelope com surpresas dos amigos da Polónia.
Todos ficámos contentes com as surpresas...
Obrigado Amigos!

Spring in Portugal!

In the village of Tremoceira several signs shows us that Spring has really come!!! (Spring 2007)
Let's see if you agree...
Kilka zdjęć pokazuje nadejście prawdziwej wiosny na wsi Tremoceira (wiosna 2007)
Zobacz jesli chcesz sie przekonać...
Na aldeia de Tremoceira vários sinais nos mostram que a Primavera chegou mesmo!

Ora vejam se concordam...


Spring has come at last!

In the first days of Spring many flowers were showing their colours in Portugal first, because the weather is not so cold...! In Poland everything was covered by the snow!!! But slowly flowers were blooming also in Poland.
Julia (5 years old) draw this flower in the 59's Bydgoszcz Kindergarten; "flower" is the word number two in our Interactive Illustrated Dictionary.

W pierwszy dzień wiosny wiele kwiatów pokazuje kolory Portugalii wcześniej niz w Polsce, ponieważ tam nie jest zbyt zimno. W Polsce wszystko przykrywa śnieg! Ale również w Polsce kwiaty zaczynają powoli rozkwitać. Julia (5 lat) z Przedszkola Nr 59 w Bydgoszczy narysowała tego kwiata ; "kwiat" jest słowem numer dwa w naszym Interaktywnym Ilustrowanym Słowniku

Nos primeiros dias de Primavera muitas flores mostravam as suas cores primeiro em Portugal, porque o tempo não é tão frio...! Na Polónia tudo esteve coberto de neve!!! Mas a pouco e pouco as flores começaram a florir também na Polónia.
A Julia (com 5 anos) desenhou esta flor no Jardim de Infância nº 59 de Bydgoszcz; "flor" é a palavra número dois do nosso Dicionário Ilustrado Interactivo.

(Ilustração da JULIA -5 anos)



The holy basket

We learned about the beautiful tradition of the Holy Basket in Poland. It was Honorata and Ewa who told us and sent us this photo from Ewa's Holy Basket. On Saturday before Easter, people go to the Church carrying a litle basket with painted and decorated eggs, little cakes and bread. That basket is then blessed by the Priest, and gets the name of "The Holy Basket" (SWIECONKA).
On Easter Day's morning people eat solemnly at breakfast what was inside the basket, and wait for the Easter Rabit that gives sweets to the children.
Uczyliśmy sie o pięknych tradycjach wielkanocnego koszyka w Polsce. Honorata i Ewa opowiedziały nam o tym i wysłały zdjęcie wielkanocnego koszyka Ewy. W sobote przed Wielkanocą, ludzie chodzą do kościoła z małymi koszyczkami, w których są pisanki, babka i chleb. Koszyk jest potem świecony w kościele przez księdza i dlatego nazywa się Święconka.
W Wielkanocny dzień rano ludzie jedzą uroczyste śniadanie i to co było w koszyku, potem czekają na wielkanocnego zająca, który przynosi dzieciom słodycze.
Aprendemos a bonita tradição Polaca do Cesto Sagrado. Foi a Honorata e a Ewa que nos contaram e nos enviaram esta foto do Cesto Sagrado da Ewa. No Sábado antes da Páscoa, as pessoas vão à igreja com um cestinho que leva lá dentro ovos pintados e decorados, bolinhos e pãezinhos. Esse cesto é então abençoado pelo Padre e recebe o nome de "Cesto Sagrado"(SWIECONKA).
No Domingo de Páscoa as pessoas comem solenemente o que havia no cesto ao pequeno almoço e esperam pelo Coelhinho da Páscoa que dá docinhos às crianças.

Portuguese Easter cake

From Portugal a parcel post arrived to polish children. We received in a parcel many portuguese traditional things. There was a chicken and a cook which was made by the portuguese children. The polish children tasted the portuguese cake " folar" and so , learned about traditions.

Z Portugalii nadeszła paczka do polskich dzieci. Otrzymaliśmy wiele rzeczy związanych z potrugalskimi tradycjami. Tam był kurczak, kogut wykonany przez portugalskie dzieci.
Dzieci smakowały ciasto - folar i uczyły się o tradycjach.

De Portugal chegou uma encomenda postal para as crianças polacas. Recebemos nessa encomenda muitas coisas tradicionais portuguesas. Havia uma galinha e um galo feitos pelas crianças portuguesas. As crianças polacas provaram o bolo português chamado "folar" e assim aprenderam outras tradições.

Why "Heart"?

The postman brought us some typical cakes from Poland (City of Torun). One of them was a chocolate heart and the Portuguese children just loved it , as well as they love their Polish Friends!
O carteiro trouxe-nos alguns bolinhos típicos da Polónia (Cidade de Torun). Um deles era um coração de chocolate e as crianças portuguesas adoraram-no, assim como gostam dos seus Amigos Polacos.
Listonosz przyniósł nam tradycyjne ciastka z Polski / z Torunia/. Jednym z nich było czekoladowe serce i portugalskie dzieci własnie je pokochały, tak jak kochają swoich polskich przyjaciół!


Interactive Illustrated Dictionary

Together we decided to build an Interactive Illustrated Dictionary, with some of the words we love.
It will be in Portuguese, Polish and English.
Would you like to join us and learn it as well?
This is the word number one ( 1 ) ; It was chosen by the Portuguese Children
(Juntos decidimos construir um Dicionário Ilustrado Interactivo, com algumas das palavras que amamos. Será em Português, Polaco e Inglês.
Gostariam de se juntar a nós e aprenderem também?
Esta é a palavra número um ; foi escolhida pelas Crianças Portuguesas)

(Zadecydowaliśmy o budowie Interaktywnego Ilustrowanego Słownika ze słowami, które kochamy.
To bedzie po portugalsku, polsku i angielsku.
Chcesz się do nas przyłączyć i nauczyc sie dobrze?
To jest słowo numer jeden (1); zostało wybrane przez portugalskie dzieci.




Kindergarten nr 59 in Poland - Bydgoszcz

Hello - we are children from Poland, from Bydgoszcz.
This is our kindergarten.
We are on the photo.
(Cześć - jestesmy dziećmi z Polski, z Bydgoszczy.
To jest nasze przedszkole.
My jesteśmy na zdjęciu)
Olá - nós somos crianças da Polónia, de Bydgoszcz.
Este é o nosso Jardim de Infância.
Nós estamos na foto.


European Anthem

European Anthem
(Hino Europeu) (Hymn Uniii Europejskiej)

European Flag

We are children living in Europe and we love our common European Flag!
(Somos crianças que vivemos na Europa e amamos a nossa Bandeira Europeia comum!)
(Jesteśmy dziećmi mieszkającymi w Europie i kochamy naszą wspólną Europejską Flagę)

Hello to everyone!

We welcome you
to this common blog
from both portuguese and polish children!

"Friends Together" seems to us a good blog's title!

Children who became friends, from Poland and Portugal
decided to work together,
to learn together, to share
and to enjoy life together!

The "eTwinning" project gave us a big help...

In this blog we would like to share with everybody
how good it is to have FRIENDS and somehow feel TOGETHER!

Please come along and join us in this adventure!