
Friends, another nice word!

Because we like having, and have, many Friends, because we like to be Friends of everybody, because we like this word and its meaning, we choose to illustrate this word as the key to close our Illustrated Interactive Dictionary in this School Year of 2006/2007.
It is the word number 7.
In Poland we have many friends; eight of them are going to enter to the Primary School, as well as four children from the Portuguese group. But they will keep being Friends and remember that having Friends is wonderful!

Ponieważ lubimy mieć i mamy wielu Przyjaciół, ponieważ lubimy być przyjaciółmi dla wszystkich, ponieważ lubimy to słowo i jego znaczenie, wybralismy ilustracje tego słowa jako klucz naszego Ilustrowanego Interaktywnego Słownika w roku szkolnym 2006/2007.
To jest słowo numer 7.
W Polsce mamy wielu przyjacioł; ośmioro z nich zamierza iśc do Szkoły Podstawowej, tak jak czworo dzieci z portugalskiej grupy. Ale my nadal będziemy Przyjaciółmi i będziemy pamietać jak cudownie mieć przyjaciół.

Porque gostamos de ter, e temos, muitos Amigos, porque gostamos de ser Amigos de todos, porque gostamos desta palavra e do seu significado, escolhemos ilustrar esta palavra como chave para encerrarmos o nosso Dicionário Ilustrado Interactivo neste neste ano lectivo de 2006/2007. É a palavra número 7.
Na Polónia temos muitos amigos; oito deles vão para a Escola do 1º Ciclo, assim como quatrocrianças do grupo português. Mas vão continuar a ser Amigos e lembrar que ter Amigos é maravilhoso!

The illustration was choosen through a Small Journalists' election, and was made by Carolina Silvério (5 years old)
A Ilustração foi escolhida através de uma votação dos "Pequenos Jornalistas" e foi realizada pela Carolina Silvério (5 anos)



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